Why a toolkit?
How to use Codes4Climate: A Building Code Advocacy Toolkit
Take action
Policy changes we need to improve building performance
Policy strategies we need to get better building codes adopted
What are building codes
What is a building energy code?
Why are building energy codes important now?
Building energy codes in Canada
What’s so special about tiered codes?
Net zero energy ready buildings in Canada
What is a net-zero energy ready building?
High-performance building basics
Building beyond NZER, today
Advancing adoption and compliance
Use the adoption process to increase the stringency of the building code?
Raise building performance standards through compliance
Building code adoption by province and territory
The strategic role of municipalities
Enable municipalities to adopt upper tiers via changes to top-down policy frameworks
Set the bar higher with green development standards
Speak with one voice
How municipalities can lead in building performance
Leaders in building performance
Making the case for better building code adoption
Buildings as climate action
The role building energy codes play in climate resilience
Workforce development begins with building energy codes
Building a high-performance economy
Costing studies: Variables that must be considered
Efficiency measures: baked in or clamped on?
Consider real returns and reject traditional payback periods
Don’t stick building owners with high operational costs
Avoid costly retrofits down the road
Tiered codes: Clear regulation versus more regulation
Model codes: Paving the way for the retrofit economy
Connecting the dots between model codes for new and existing buildings
Overcome politics with a broad coalition
What other tools can you use?
Sign up to take action on building codes
Build your network
Find your allies
Get social
Host an event
Get the media involved
Send a press release
Write an opinion-editorial
Prepare an outreach campaign
Sustaining a campaign
Contact your policymakers
Write to your minister
Call your Councillor/MPP/MLA
Meet your MPP/MLA/Councillor
Resources & additional materials
Action on Building Codes (ABC) Council
Civil society
Terms and Acronyms
Key Concepts
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